USA – CIA Chief Says ‘Abhorrent’ Tactics May Not Have Been Essential
For years, supporters of the CIA’s harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects have insisted the tactics were essential to preventing attacks and leading investigators to Osama bin Laden. Yesterday, the agency’s chief said he’s not so sure. In his first public appearance since Senate Democrats released a scathing assessment of the Central Intelligence Agency’s “enhanced interrogation techniques,” Director John Brennan simultaneously defended the measures while conceding they may not have been necessary. “There was useful intelligence, very useful, valuable intelligence that was obtained from individuals who had been, at some point, subjected” to the harsh tactics, Brennan said yesterday in a press conference at the CIA’s headquarters. “Whether that could have been obtained without the use of those EITs is something, again, that is unknowable.” Brennan’s nuanced defense of…
Medina Osório entrevistado para reportagem especial da revista “Conselhos”, da Fecomércio-SP
Fábio Medina Osório, presidente do IIEDE, foi entrevistado pela jornalista Fabíola Perez, do house organ "Conselhos", editado pela Fecomércio-SP, para a reportagem "Crime que (ainda) compensa", a respeito do panorama do combate à corrupção no país. Leia a íntegra em
UK – Prison book ban is unlawful, court rules
The blanket ban on sending books to prisoners in England and Wales has been declared unlawful by the high court. Mr Justice Collins has quashed the ban imposed by the justice secretary, Chris Grayling, and ordered him to amend his policy on what can be sent to prisoners. In his ruling, the judge said that it was strange to treat books as a privilege when they could be essential to a prisoner’s rehabilitation. “A book may not only be one which a prisoner may want to read but may be very useful or indeed necessary as part of a rehabilitation process,” he said. The judge also criticised Grayling’s open letter responding to a protest by the poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, with the “somewhat misleading”…
USA – JPMorgan Is Said to Put Mortgage-Bond Trader on Leave
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) put another of its mortgage-bond traders on leave, the latest in a string of suspensions amid regulatory scrutiny of the market, according to three people with knowledge of the move. The employee, Joshua Banschick, was told not to come in during the past week, said the people, who asked not to be named because the decision wasn’t public. The trader has worked at JPMorgan since 2008, after spending about a year at Bear Stearns Co., the securities firm bought by the bank that year with assistance from the Federal Reserve, according to Financial Industry Regulatory Authority records. Banschick, who hasn’t been accused of any wrongdoing, declined to comment when reached on his mobile phone. Brian Marchiony, a spokesman for New York-based JPMorgan, said the bank…
Brasil fica em 69º no ranking de corrupção
O Brasil está “estagnado” no ranking da corrupção que será divulgado nesta quarta-feira pela entidade Transparência Internacional. Na classificação que abarca 175 países, o Brasil subiu três posições – passou da 72.ª colocação no ano passado para a 69.ª neste ano –, mas a mudança não representa avanços reais, já que a pontuação do País está estagnada, passando de 42 pontos, de um total de 100 pontos, em 2013 para 43 pontos em 2014. Pela metodologia adotada no ranking da corrupção da entidade, quanto mais próxima a pontuação estiver de 100, menos corrupto é o país ou território. “O Brasil está estagnado e isso não é uma boa notícia”, disse ao Estado o diretor para as Américas da Transparência Internacional, Alejandro Salas. “Se não há uma mudança,…
España – El nuevo Código Penal castigará la falsificación de monedas aunque el original aún no sea de curso legal
Así consta en una de las enmiendas que el PP ha presentado al proyecto de ley orgánica por la que se modifica el Código Penal, que recoge Europa Press. Con dicha enmienda se añade un nuevo apartado para modificar el artículo del Código Penal sobre falsificaciones de moneda y efectos timbrados. El objetivo es adaptar la normativa española a la directiva comunitaria para la Protección penal del euro y otras monedas frente a la falsificación, aprobada el pasado mes de mayo, que no sólo tipifica como delito falsear monedas de curso legal, sino también divisas que no hayan sido todavía emitidas "como medida de prevención", justifica el PP. Para ello, se entenderá que las referencias a la moneda aluden tanto a aquélla de curso legal como a…
UK Home Secretary announces new anti-terrorism bill
[JURIST] UK Home Secretary Theresa May [official profile] on Monday outlined the new Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill [press release] to combat ongoing national security threats. The bill will expand the power of authorities to suspend outgoing and incoming international travel of persons that are reasonably believed to be traveling to commit terrorism. The legislation will also broaden the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (TPIMs) [text] to allow authorities to force terrorist suspects to relocate within the country and will raise the burden of proof for TPIMs from a "reasonable belief" to a "balance of probabilities." May stressed the importance of bridging the "capabilities gap" that authorities must confront when dealing with communications data and announced that the bill will require Internet providers to retain IP addresses "to identify individual users of internet services," with some…
Medina Osório mostra a empresários do ES como é rigorosa a Lei Anticorrupção
Fábio Medina Osório durante o 9º Encontro de Lideranças Empresariais do Espírito Santo, promovido em Pedra Azul, município de Domingos Martins (ES) no dia 22/11/2014. Foto: Divulgação TV Gazeta. Em palestra no 9º Encontro de Lideranças Empresariais do Espírito Santo, o jurista Fábio Medina Osório, presidente do IIEDE, destacou a necessidade de adaptação das empresas privadas à nova realidade jurídica do país, em função da entrada em vigor da chamada lei Anticorrupção, em janeiro de 2014. Na reunião realizada no sofisticado resort Pedra Azul, no alto da Serra capixaba, o advogado explicou que a Lei 12.846 atinge exclusivamente as empresas privadas, que podem ser responsabilizadas até mesmo por atos isolados de seus funcionários, mesmo que tenham sido praticados sem conhecimento da diretoria. “A nova lei, que só não…
EU – Google Faces Breakup Call as EU Political Patience Wanes
A European Parliament bid for legislation splitting up Google Inc. (GOOG) may send a message that’s too loud to ignore as European Union antitrust regulators review a possible settlement with the owner of the world’s largest search engine. Google, already grappling with privacy and competition issues, risks another EU headache as some lawmakers seek to follow a successful attack on bankers’ bonuses with measures to break up the search giant. “This represents a new escalation for Google,” said Greg Sterling, vice president of strategy and insights for the Local Search Association. “There’s some question about whether breaking up Google would actually happen -- however it does indicate the depth and intensity of the critical antagonism and challenge that Google confronts.” While the parliament doesn’t have the authority to compel…